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  • Writer's pictureronanmahaffey

The Pact of Toulon, Alternate History. Imagination Realm #834

This imagination realm is centered around a French led not German led, axis advance in World War Two. France, Turkey, Argentina, and several other nations go down the road of fascism and expansionism. The war is just as bloody if not more so than the war in our history. The Timeline of the major events will be shown along with some images.

1922- Benito Mussolini takes power in Rome.

1930, June- During the month of June riots break out in France over the economic depression gripping the nation. During the riots a military coup takes place to keep the country from falling into Communist control. This military rule is very unpopular and creates further tension.

1930, October 10th- The French Government is overthrown again by a second coup led by the young French colonel named Charles de Gualle. Inspired by Mussolini he reorganizes the French government to Fascist administration and thinking creating the French Fascist State.

1931- Japan Invades and annexes Manchuria.

1932- Giovanni Messe takes power in Italy and Mussolini is overthrown after he does little to nothing to help with the economic depression in the country.

1933- Adolf Hitler takes power in Germany.

1934- Adolf Hitler is assassinated and Rudolph Hess takes power as the new dictator of the German state. Germany is renamed and reorganized by Hess as the German Industrialist State as he has differing views than Hitler.

1935- The Spanish civil war breaks out. France, Germany, Italy, and Portugal support the Fascists.

1935, November 1st- An Irish coup overthrows the government and a Fascist state is created.

1936- The Spanish civil war ends in a Fascist victory. The Spanish and Portuguese dictators Franco and Salazar meet and after long negotiations join together as the Iberian Fascist Union. Italy invades and annexes Albania and Ethiopia.

1936, August 19th- The Toulon Pact is signed between the Iberian Union, Italy, France, and Germany.

1937, January 30th- Agustin P. Justo, the President of Argentina, gains dictatorial power after an attempted coup against his regime. The nation later joins the Toulon Pact.

1937, May 5th- A coup in Haiti overthrows the government and the New Haitian Empire is formed with Faustin II as emperor, he claimed to be descendant from the Haitian emperor Faustin I.

1938, January 1st- Germany under the direction of Italy and France occupies and annexes Austria.

1938, March 19th- Italy annexes San Marino.

1938, March 25th- France annexes Monaco.

1938, September 23rd- Spain annexes Andorra. On the same day Haiti declares war on the Dominican Republic in retaliation for the massacre of Haitians near the Dominican border. America for the time remains neutral as FDR doesn’t want to involve the country in foreign affairs at all.

1038, November 3rd- Germany Annexes Czechoslovakia and sets up Slovakia as a puppet state.

1938, December 25th- Liechtenstein is annexed by Switzerland by the request of the Liechtenstein government to avoid being annexed by the Germans.

1939, January 10th- The Free City of Danzig votes to return to Germany, against the protests of Britain.

1939, January 15th- The Dominican Republic is annexed by the New Haitian Empire.

1939, February 5th- The Toulon pact makes several demands and claims known as the Franco Papers that are sent to the League of Nations where they demand border lands from Belgium, Denmark, Poland, Yugoslavia, along with Malta, Cyprus, and Gibraltar to be turned over the Toulon Pact.

1939, April 1st- The April Fools attack takes place when French secret police work with German secret police to stage a raid against a German town, the police are dressed as Polish troops.

1939, April 2nd- The German government announces that they are under attack. The Polish deny it.

1939, April 3rd- Germany invades Poland with Toulon Pact support.

1939, April 5th- Hungary declares war on Poland, joining the Axis in the war.

1939, April 6th- The United Kingdom and the British Empire declares war on Germany.

1939, April 7th- The French Fascist State declares war on the British Empire.

1939, April 8th- Iberia and Italy declare war on the British Empire.

1939, April 14th- Canadian troops take St. Pierre and Miquelon

1939, April 19th- The USSR and the Toulon pact sign a Non-Aggression Pact.

1939, April 22nd- The USSR invades Eastern Poland.

1939, May 4th- Poland is defeated and split between Germany and the USSR.

1939, May 8th- British Somaliland is taken by the Italian military.

1939, May 10th- French colonial troops take The Gambia and Sierra Leone from the British Empire.

1939, May 15th- The Axis colonies in India are captured by the British Empire.

1939, May 18th- Iberian Colonial forces in Angola invade South West Africa.

1939, May 20th- The Toulon Pact forces cross over into Egypt and begin a slow push towards the Nile.

1939, May 28th- The Darfur in Sudan and Eastern Nigeria are invaded by French Colonial Troops.

1939, May 30th- Italian Troops begin their invasion of British East Africa while French troops invade Northern Ghana.

1939, June 4th- British and Toulon Pact fleets battle in the Bay of Biscay. It is a British Victory with the Toulon Pact losing a battleship and two cruisers.

1939, June 7th- After a months long siege, Gibraltar falls to Iberian forces.

1939, June 9th- French Caribbean is captured by the British.

1939, June 10th- Axis forces are halted at El Alamein.

1939, June 11th- Across Africa British forces counterattack.

1939, June 20th- British South West Africa and East Africa are cleared of enemy troops.

1939, June 22nd- The USSR invades Finland beginning the Summer War.

1939, June 30th- The Phony War Begins as all land fighting slows down.

1939, August 4th- British Naval forces capture French Comoros, and the Scatter Islands, in preparation for an eventual invasion of Madagascar.

1939, August 20th- Axis concessions in China are taken over by the British with Chinese permission, this causes Japan to lean towards the Axis powers.

1939, August 27th- In keeping up with their invasions of small enemy colonial holdings, the British and Australians invade Vanuatu taking it within days.

1939, August 29th- The Haitian Empire voices support for the Axis in return for weapons. The British Empire doesn’t declare war so it doesn’t anger America.

1939, September 7th- The Summer War ends with Finland surrendering and the USSR Annexing large eastern portions of Finland.

1939, September 8th- French New Caledonia and French Polynesia are captured by the British.

1939, September 9th- The Phony war ends when British forces defeat the Axis at El Alamein and force them back fifty miles.

1939, September 16th- Axis forces invade the Low Countries from all sides.

1939, September 23rd- Rotterdam is bombed killing 900.

1939, September 25th- Axis forces halt their advance as fierce resistance slows them and they wait for more fuel for their tanks. This allows the allies to begin an evacuation effort known as Operation Dynamo, thousands of Belgian, British, and Dutch vessels begin transporting the armies out of the Low Countries and to Britain.

1939, October 1st- Operation Dynamo ends with 100,000 Dutch, 100,000 British, and 100,000 Belgian troops being evacuated to Britain. Belgium and the Netherlands surrender, the governments go into exile in Britain.

1939, October 10th- British forces capture Reunion Island after defeating a French naval force off of Madagascar sinking 2 enemy cruisers.

1939, October 11th- Dutch colonial troops overrun and conquer East Timor, a Iberian control territory.

1939, October 14th- British Naval Forces besiege Macau, after Iberian POWs rebel and retake the Island.

1939, October 17th- British Forces defeat the Iberian rebels in Macau, after three days of shelling over 1,000 Iberian troops are killed with only 50 captured.

1939, October 20th- The British take the Portuguese and Spanish islands of Sao Tome and Principe and Equatorial Guinea’s islands.

1939, October 27th- British troops push the French colonial troops out of Ghana and Nigeria. This begins the second Phony War.

1939, December 23rd- Norway asks for British support, Britain begins to send Belgian and Dutch troops to Norway to protect the country in case of aggression from the Germans.

1940, March 3rd- The Italians with Iberian troops invade Egypt again, ending the 2nd phony war.

1940, March 5th- German and French Troops invade Denmark which falls in under 48 hours. The German and French forces make landings in Norway.

1940, March 8th- Norwegian forces evacuate Oslo.

1940, March 11th- The Battle of Narvik, German and French forces attempt to land in Narvik but are decimated by British naval forces.

1940, March 12th- The 2nd Battle of Narvik. French and German naval forces battle British forces that sunk the Axis ships the day before. French forces inflict heavy damage on the British but lose 5 ships to their superior numbers.

1940, March 19th- The British with mostly Indian troops invade Madagascar.

1940, March 23rd- French Troops again invade Ghana.

1940, March 27th- Axis forces defeat the British in the 2nd Battle of El Alamein.

1940, March 30th- Axis forces reach the Nile and Cairo. A large Axis fleet sets sail for the invasion of Alexandria to destroy the British presence in Egypt.

1940, March 31st- British Naval forces intercept the fleet off the Cyrenaica coast, the fleet retreats and returns to Tripoli to wait.

1940, April 10th- British forces counterattack and defeat enemy forces on the outskirts of Cairo, surrounding the Axis troops in Cairo.

1940, April 18th- French troops are once again forced out of Ghana.

1940, April 22nd- British forces capture the Cape Verde Islands.

1940, April 29th- British troops stop an Axis counterattack attempting to free the trapped troops in Cairo.

1940, April 31st- Axis forces invade Yugoslavia. Bulgaria joins the Axis forces.

1940, May 3rd- Polish POWs in German control Poland revolt, over 90,000 are able to escape to Romania where they are then rescued and sent to Greece.

1940, May 19th- Yugoslavia surrenders. The Axis declare war on Greece for taking the escaped prisoners.

1940, May 22nd- Greece is invaded.

1940, May 26th- Turkey signs the Toulon Pact and joins the war on the Axis side.

1940, May 28th- Turkey invades Northern Iraq and takes several Greek Islands.

1940, June 10th- Greece falls and the Greek and Polish troops flee to Crete with British support.

1940, June 19th- Turkish troops invade Crete followed by the other Axis powers.

1940, June 25th- 30,000 Greek, 20,000 British, and 79,000 Polish troops evacuate Crete and go to Egypt to fight the Axis in North Africa.

1940, June 29th- Crete falls.

1940, June 30th- British troops enter Iraq and support the Iraqi military in pushing the Turks out of the country.

1940, July 8th- Russia annexes the Baltic States.

1940, July 11th- Axis troops in Cairo surrender. Ending a 4-month siege.

1940, July 18th- Norwegian troops are finally able to expel the Axis from their land. This is the first time that the German or French forces fail in Europe.

1940, July 30th- Ireland declares war on Britain and begins an invasion into Northern Ireland.

1940, August 1st- Romania is invaded.

1940, August 3rd- Romania surrenders.

1940, August 12th- Ireland reaches its greatest advance.

1940, August 16th- Ireland retreats when 40,000 British and Canadian troops counterattack.

1940, August 20th- The 3rd Battle of El Alamein begins.

1940, August 22nd- The Irish are pushed back into Ireland and the Invasion of Ireland begins.

1940, August 23rd- The 3rd Battle of El Alamein ends in British Victory, the British push the Axis back to the Italian Border.

1940, September 20th- Ireland begins a guerilla campaign.

1940, September 30th- Madagascar finally ceases fighting.

1940, October 30th- French forces occupy the Channel Islands.

1940, November 22nd- British forces invade the Canary Islands.

1941, February 2nd- Axis forces once more attack the British in the 4th Battle of El Alamein, ending in British victory and the retreat to just 50 miles from the Libyan border.

1941, February 29th- British naval forces bombard Istanbul after destroying the forts on the Dardanelles.

1941, March 12th- Turkish troops with French colonial troops invade Iraq again and Palestine.

1941, March 14th- Turkish troops are defeated in Palestine.

1941, March 20th- Turkish troops invade Iran, bringing them into the war.

1941, April 5th- British troops invade French Syria.

1941, April 9th- British troops defeat the Turks in Iran.

1941, April 20th- French Syria surrenders.

1941, April 30th- Italian troops attack British forces in Egypt.

1941, May 8th- British troops capture Mozambique.

1941, May 18th- British forces invade Italian East Africa in an attempt to liberate Abyssinia.

1941, May 22nd- The Axis powers invade the USSR from Finland, Poland, Romania, and Turkey.

1941, June 22nd- Axis forces advance deep into Russia. British forces defeat the Italians in East Africa.

1941, July 23rd- British forces capture Djibouti and all remaining resistance in East Africa ends. The Siege of Odessa Begins.

1941, July 26th- Auschwitz is put in operation in Poland. The French and Germans begin sending Jews and undesirables to the death camp.

1941, August 19th- Turkish troops cross the Caucasian mountains and take Sochi.

1941, August 29th- Kiev and Smolensk are captured.

1941, September 8th- Turkish advance is halted at Novorossiysk

1941, September 12th- Odessa is taken by the Axis.

1941, October 1st- British Forces invade Angola and the Turks are again forced out of Iraq after another Invasion.

1941, October 29th- Angola falls.

1941, November 29th- The Axis advance halts outside of Leningrad and Moscow.

1941, December 5th- The Russians begin a counterattack.

1941, December 7th- Japan Bombs Pearl Harbor. The United States declares war on Japan

1941, December 10th- The Japanese convince the Siamese to join the Axis.

1941, December 11th- The Japanese sink two British battleships. Hong Kong is attacked, and the Japanese begin a renewed invasion of China. Japan lands in the Philippines, Malaysia, and Indonesia. The Toulon Pact declares war on the United States.

1941, December 12th- Panama and Cuba declares war on Japan. Argentina, believing America to now be distracted, declares war on Uruguay and Brazil and invades immediately.

1941, December 13th- Argentina invades Paraguay without declaration.

1941, December 14th- Bolivia joins the Axis and invades Paraguay. The British Empire and the United States declare war on the Haitian Empire.

1941, December 15th- Chile declares war on Argentina.

1941, December 16th- Argentina takes Montevideo, Uruguay surrenders and is occupied. The Toulon Pact declares war on Brazil and Chile. The siege of Sevastopol begins.

1941, December 17th- Paraguay Surrenders although the Paraguayan army of 50,000 retreats into Brazil.

1941, December 18th- Bolivian troops invade the Atacama Desert taking it from Chile. Argentine troops capture south Chilean islands and cross the mountain borders to conduct raids.

1941, December 23rd- Wake Island falls.

1941, December 26th- Hong Kong Surrenders to the Japanese.

1941, December 28th- British and Norwegian special forces attack Copenhagen harbor, sinking 19 ships with Danish support. This causes the Germans to send more reinforcements to Denmark.

1942, January 1st- The Declaration by United Nations is signed during the Arcadia Conference.

1942, January 2nd- Manila is captured by the Japanese.

1942, January 5th- Heavy Bombing of Malta begins.

1942, January 11th- The Axis launch their fleet that was waiting in Tripoli at last towards Alexandria.

1942, January 12th- Axis forces are forced to make a landing 20 miles short of Alexandria while the British and Axis fleets battle it out.

1942, January 13th- Having been flanked, British forces retreat to Alexandria giving up Western Egypt. The naval battle of Alexandria ends with British victory who sink 20 enemy ships although the British lose several major warships. 30,000 Axis troops were landed.

1942, January 14th- The British begin mobilizing the Egyptian people and giving them firearms fearing that Cairo and Alexandria will be overrun.

1942, January 15th- Irish Guerillas are finally defeated.

1942, January 17th- Brazilian forces are defeated in the battle of Caxias do Sul. Brazilian forces retreat from Rio Grande do Sul.

1942, January 19th- Bolivia begins its invasion of Brazil.

1942, January 21st- Cuba declares war on the Empire of Haiti.

1942, January 29th- British troops evacuate Alexandria and retreat outside the city.

1942, February 9th- The Battle of Singapore begins, Malaysia falls. Japanese forces push into Burma.

1942, February 10th- British colonial troops defeat the French in Benin and Togo connecting the colonies of Ghana and Nigeria.

1942, February 12th- The Manhattan Project begins.

1942, February 19th Darwin is bombed.

1942, February 20th- British troops halt the Axis advance in Egypt, saving Cairo from attack.

1942, February 21st- British forces after fierce fighting surrender at Singapore.

1942, February 25th- The Philippines surrender.

1942, February 27th- Battle of the Java Sea devastates the allied navies.

1942, March 1st- The Russians land in the Kerch Peninsula in an attempt to relieve Sevastopol.

1942, March 5th- Japanese troops conquer the Dutch East Indies capitol and invade New Guinea.

1942, March 6th- Argentinian troops defeat Brazilian Troops near Cascavel. Portugal sends 5,000 troops as a token force to help Argentina. This defeat causes the Brazilians to retreat in mass. Allowing Argentine troops to advance to the State of Sao Paulo.

1942, March 18th- Japan takes Burma and the Solomon Islands.

1942, March 20th- British troops defeat the Axis near Alexandria and begin a slow push across the Egyptian desert that would end in April.

1942, March 28th- Lubeck and Nancy are bombed with 30 % and 25 % of the cities begin destroyed. In the night, British special forces attack Saint Nazaire in France destroying the docks there completely.

1942, April 8th- The Japanese defeat the remaining Americans in the Bataan peninsula.

1942, April 18th- The Doolittle raid takes place.

1942, April 30th- The British kick the Axis out of Egypt and invade French Equatorial Africa.

1942, May 1st- The last Canary Islands, the Azores, and Madeira are all conquered by allied forces.

1942, May 2nd- American, Cuban, and British troops invade the Empire of Haiti.

1942, May 3rd- British forces capture French Guyana.

1942, May 8th- Battle of Coral Sea ends.

1942, May 19th- The Russians are forced to Abandon the Kerch Peninsula.

1942, May 30th- French Equatorial Africa falls. Empire of Haiti surrenders. The thousand bomber raid on Paris takes place, destroying 15 percent of the city.

1942, June 3rd- japan invades the Aleutian Islands.

1942, June 4th- Battle of Midway ends in fantastic allied victory. British Bombers attack Essen killing 20,000

1942, June 10th- British begin to advance into Libya and take Tobruk by July.

1942, June 19th- Brazilian forces near Campinas hold their ground to stop the Argentine threat to Sao Paulo.

1942, June 25th- Case Blue begins and the Axis join up with the Turks in the Caucasian during their force south.

1942, June 30th- The Axis counter the British attacks and halt them outside of Tobruk.

1942, July 4th- Sevastopol surrenders to the Germans. The Axis attack Tobruk to take it from the British. They defeat the tired British and begin moving them back. The British retreat to Mersa Matruh.

1942, July 20th- Germany and France fly an America bomber for the first time.

1942, July 27th- The RAF bombs Strasbourg and Essen again, killing 12,000 and 19,000

1942, July 30th- The United Kingdom is informed about the Manhattan plan and begins to participate, speeding up the research.

1942, August 1st- The Brazilian military wins the battle of Campinas beginning the Argentine retreat.

1942, August 3rd- Peru declares war on Bolivia and Argentina.

1942, August 7th- Allied landings in Guadalcanal take place.

1942, August 8th- Battle of Savo Island is an American Defeat.

1942, August 9th- German saboteurs destroy the statue of liberties arm and thousands of pounds of military equipment before being captured and killed.

1942, August 19th- British forces raid Dieppe and suffer heavy loses.

1942, August 24th- Battle of Stalingrad begins.

1942, August 29th- Brazilian forces defeat the Argentinians again south of Campinas the Argentines begin a general retreat.

1942, August 30th- The Battle of Mersa Mutrah begins.

1942, September 10th- Allied bombers attack Paris again causing 8,000 deaths along with the bombing of Dusseldorf which kills a further 5,000

1942, September 11th- Due to the Swiss accepting refugees the Axis declare war and invade.

1942, September 15th- The Swiss Military begins a retreat to the mountains.

1942, September 19th- Colombia declares war on the Axis powers.

1942, September 20th- The Long battle of Mersa Mutrah ends with a total British victory. Over 120,000 Axis forces lay dead.

1942, September 21st- Liberia declares war on the Axis. American and British troops in the country lead 1,000 Liberian soldiers into Sierra Leone.

1942, September 22nd- Japanese attacks on Port Moresby fails.

1942, September 23rd- The Peruvian and Chilean armies strike the Atacama Desert.

1942, October 18th- The Axis order all commandos to be executed.

1942, October 25th- British forces attack the Axis in the 2nd Battle of Mersa Mutrah. The Axis are forced on a full retreat.

1942, November 4th- Operation Torch Begins. Allied forces land throughout North Africa. This shocking attack is met with heavy resistance.

1942, November 18th- Berlin is bombed heavily with new advanced British weapons that kill over 6,000.

1942, November 19th- The battle of Stalingrad begins to turn to Russia’s favor. The Bolivians are forced out of the Atacama Desert and the Invasion of Bolivia Proper begins.

1942, November 20th- The allies capture Benghazi and the Axis forces in Morocco Surrendered.

1942, November 21st- A large attack into French West Africa begins.

1942, November 22nd- The Americans capture Oran.

1942, November 30th- British forces advance to Tunisia.

1942, December 1st- Spanish Sahara surrenders.

1942, December 18th- Algiers is captured.

1942, December 22nd- The Axis begin to retreat from the Caucasus. The Turks are pushed back over to their borders and the Russians invade the northern corner of Turkey.

1942, December 31st- French West Africa and Algeria Surrenders. All remaining axis forces in West Africa surrender.

1943, January 11th- Russian forces defeat the Finnish forces surrounding Leningrad and push them ten miles north, bringing a relief to the siege.

1943, January 18th- The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Begins.

1943, January 24th- The Battle of Stalingrad ends with a Russian Victory.

1943, January 30th- 100,000 British, Iraqi, Kurdish, and Iranian troops invade Turkey. Russia begins its offensive into Turkey the next day with 200,000 troops. Guadalcanal is now free of the Japanese.

1943, February 3rd- The allies reach Tunisia and enter it.

1943, February 8th- Nuremburg and Naples are bombed with 10,000 being killed.

1943, February 25th- Argentinian forces near Maringa are defeated and the Argentinians retreat to Cascavel. La Paz is conquered by the Peruvians.

1943, March 4th-Special Commandos destroy Axis Nuclear plants in Germany.

1943, March 8th- The Germans attempt to encircle Kharkov but the soviet armies are able to successfully retreat.

1943, March 9th- Axis forces in Tunisia retreat to Tunis.

1943, April 18th- Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto is shot down but survives the crash. He is forced to live for a month alone on the Island before rescued.

1943, April 22nd- The Swiss military surrenders when their last outpost is captured.

1943, May 7th- Tunis is captured by the allies.

1943, May 16th- The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising ends. The Dambuster raids take place.

1943, May 29th- British launch multiple bombing raids on German and French cities. Killing 20,000.

1943, May 30th- The Aleutian Islands are liberated.

1943, June 30th- The Brazilian military and the Peruvian military invade from the north and west into Bolivia.

1943, July 8th- The battle of Kursk begins.

1943, July 18th- The allies bomb Rome with 1,200 bombers killing 12,900

1943, July 19th- Operation Husky Begins. Sicily is invaded.

1943, July 24th- Hamburg is bombed in Operation Gomorrah, everything went to plan killing 50,000.

1943, July 30th- Italian forces hold repulse American attacks in Sicily but the British push to Palermo the next day.

1943, August 1st- Lisbon and Madrid are bombed bringing the first major bombing to Iberia. Over 7,000 are killed in the raids.

1943, August 30th- The Island of Sicily is now controlled by the allies.

1943, September 1st- 40 America Bombers are launched from France heading towards New York.

1943, September 2nd- The Battle of Kursk ends in Russian Victory. The America bombers reach New York and drop 150,000 Kilograms of bombs killing 10,000.

1943, September 5th- Another 40 America Bombers bomb New York killing 4,000.

1943, September 10th- Allied forces make landings in Sardinia and Corsica, the Axis navies attempt to stop this but are completely destroyed ending the major surface threat posed by the Axis in the Mediterranean.

1943, September 19th- Sardinia and Corsica are under allied control. Japanese troops enter Bengal.

1943, September 22nd- The battle of the Solomon Islands ends finally. Allied forces in Turkey reach Ankara, the Turkish government surrenders. Bulgarian forces occupy Istanbul, Anatolia is occupied by the allies.

1943, September 30th- Allied forces land in Crete and Rhodes along with several other Greek Islands.

1943, October 1st- Allied forces make landings in Italy. Italian forces retreat and the allies capture the boot of Italy.

1943, October 9th- Allied forces land in Gibraltar, beginning the invasion of the Iberian Peninsula in operation Firefly.

1943, October 15th- The Red Army pours into Ukraine.

1943, October 19th- Allied forces make secondary landings at the city of Porto in Iberia. Allied forces reach the city of Cordoba. Madrid is bombed killing 10,000.

1943, October 20th- Bolivian armed forces surrender. The Brazilian high command is executed by Peruvian troops.

1943, October 28th- Argentine forces are beat out of Chile in the battle of the Andes. Allied forces land in southern Argentina with support from the United States who sent 50,000 soldiers.

1943, October 30th- The Vatican is bombed after it announced its support for Fascism and the pope ordered Catholics to kill the invaders. The bombing destroys the city and kills the Pope.

1943, November 6th- The Red Army liberates Kiev. Allied forces in Italy advance past Bari and Salerno and begin the battle of Naples.

1943, November 8th- A force of 100 America Bombers attacks New York killing 19,000. The United States rushes the Manhattan project and Jet Fighter program to stop the Bombers and end the war.

1943, November 19th- Allied troops enter Paraguay and Troops in the south push north to Bahia Blanca.

1943, November 20th- American Forces land in Tarawa.

1943, November 23rd- Allies bomb Berlin, Killing 9,000.

1943, December 1st- British Troops defeat the Japanese and force them out of Bengal and retreating out of British India.

1943, December 4th- Yugoslav Resistance forces create a government.

1943, December 18th- Mar del Plata is captured by the allies. Asuncion is liberated.

1943, December 20th- Allied forces land in Greece liberating Athens.

1943, December 25th- Lisbon falls to allied forces.

1943, December 28th- Allied forces land in the Andaman Islands and begin the Liberation of the Islands.

1943, December 30th- The Chinese begin their own successful campaign against the Japanese.

1944, January 5th- Chiang Kai-Shek is assassinated and replaced with a more competent leader, American troops are suspected to be the assassins. The causes the Chinese offensive to not end and they advance further into Japanese held territory.

1944, January 9th- The Soviets enter Poland after forcing the Germans back.

1944, January 10th- The Siege of Leningrad ends. About 1.2 Million die, much less than in our history.

1944, January 19th- Allied forces Begin the siege of Madrid when Toledo is taken.

1944, January 22nd- The Anzio Landings take place, the commander is intelligent, and they successfully break the Axis lines and the axis are forced to retreat to Rome, all Italian lands up to Anzio are quickly conquered by the Allies.

1944, February 9th- Murcia, Spain is taken by the allies. The Allies take the Balearic Islands.

1944, February 19th- Venezuela declares war on the Axis.

1944, February 27th- The allies take Peloponnese.

1944, March 8th- Allied forces begin the bombardment of Istanbul from across the Bosporus. Allied forces capture the Marshall Islands.

1944, March 20th- The Russians begin a wide front that causes the Axis into a Major Retreat.

1944, March 28th- Sweden joins the allies and Declares war on Finland.

1944, March 30th- The Siege of Madrid ends, and Madrid is taken by the Allies.

1944, April 3rd- Japanese forces retreat in Burma.

1944, April 7th- Crimea is liberated.

1944, April 11th- Odessa is liberated.

1944, April 17th- The Japanese launch Operation Ichi-Go which defeats the Chinese armies and conquers much of southern and central China.

1944, April 19th- Denmark is designated as the landing site for D-Day.

1944, April 30th- The Battle of Buenos Aires begins.

1944, May 9th- The Allies surround Rome beginning the Siege or Battle of Rome.

1944, May 18th- Valencia Spain is taken.

1944, May 22nd- Valladolid is captured.

1944, May 29th- Buenos Aires is captured. The Argentine government surrenders. Argentine troops flee.

1944, June 2nd- All Argentine troops surrender bringing an end to the war in South America.

1944, June 8th- Rome is captured.

1944, June 9th- Leon is captured.

1944, June 20th- Finland surrenders.

1944, June 30th- Sweden transfers its troops south in preparation for eventual invasion of Denmark with the allied forces.

1944, July 3rd- Operation Bagration begins as the Soviet forces begin to clear the Germans from Belarus.

1944, July 20th- Soviets liberate Minsk.

1944, July 24th- The last America bomber raid begins as the Axis are losing to many bombers.

1944, July 27th- Vilnius and Tallinn are captured by the Soviets.

1944, July 29th- The Last of the Marianas are captured by the allies.

1944, August 9th- Brest-Litovsk is taken by the Russians.

1944, August 11th- Soviet forces decisively win the Battle of Narva causing axis forces in the Baltics to collapse they are all captured or killed by September unlike in our timeline where they resist till the end of the war.

1944 August 18th- The Warsaw uprising begins.

1944, August 19th- Japan loses control of Northern Burma.

1944, August 20th- Allied forces land in Denmark for D-Day. Axis forces are quickly forced out of Denmark and into Germany.

1944, August 25th- A massive amount of troops are airlifted into Warsaw, the Russian army then supports them and takes Warsaw by the end of the Month.

1944, August 27th-Konigsberg is taken by the Soviet forces.

1944, September 1st- Soviet forces launch their offensive into Romania.

1944, September 9th- Soviet forces in Poland come to a halt as they have overextended themselves.

1944, September 30th- The Soviet army enters Bucharest. The Americans make land in the Philippines.

1944, October 3rd- Allied forces in Turkey cross into Istanbul after months of bombardment, the city is in ruins and the Bulgarians are forced out.

1944, October 7th- Thessaloniki is taken by the allied powers.

1944, October 15th- Allied forces captured Zaragoza Spain and Florence Italy.

1944, October 30th- Sofia, Bulgaria is captured by the Red Army, Bulgaria surrenders.

1944, October 31st- Yugoslav forces have control over most of the country and the allied forces push through and give them support to fight the Axis in the North.

1944, November 30th- Allied forces capture Lubeck and Hamburg.

1944, December 31st- The Soviets begin the Siege of Budapest.

1945, January 1st- Allied forces capture Manila.

1945, January 12th- The Soviets take Poznan and Wroclaw.

1945, January 14th- Rostock is taken by the allies and Bremen is under siege.

1945, January 15th- Allied forces cross the Pyrenes Mountains and into France.

1945, January 17th- Bologna is captured by the Allies.

1945, February 10th- The United States drops an Atomic bomb on Berlin. 70,000 are killed.

1945, February 15th- British aircraft drop another Atomic weapon, this one on Paris killing 100,000

1945, February 28th- American and Russian forces meet up on the ruins of Berlin combining together to push deeper into Germany.

1945, March 18th- All of Burma is liberated and the allies begin an invasion of Thailand.

1945, March 28th- Vienna is bombed by the allies killing 10,000

1945, April 2nd- Soviet forces enter Vienna.

1945, April 6th- Allied forces enter Prague.

1945, April 8th- Allied forces spread into France in the south. Hanover is taken.

1945, April 18th- An Atomic bomb destroys Milan. Italy surrenders. Allied forces now enter Switzerland and southern Austria.

1945, April 26th- Toulouse is taken.

1945, April 28th- Axis forces retreat from Austria and Switzerland which is quickly liberated.

1945, April 30th- Frankfurt is firebombed, 40,000 are killed.

1945, May 8th- Allied forces enter Monaco.

1945, May 9th- British and Canadian forces land in Normandy.

1945, May 20th- Allied forces capture Caen.

1945, May 23rd- Nuremberg and Munich are entered by allied forces.

1945, June 8th- The Chinese attack the Japanese and force them into a major retreat in China.

1945, June 19th- The allies reach the Rhine.

1945, June 25th- Germany surrenders.

1945, June 27th- Battle of Okinawa ends.

1945, July 8th- Paris is Captured.

1945, July 10th- Nantes is captured the Axis in Europe lay down their arms.

1945, July 12th- FDR dies and Harry S. Truman becomes president.

1945, July 19th- Tokyo is destroyed in a firebombing.

1945, August 10th- Siam surrenders and the allied forces with Vietnamese rebels take over Indochina.

1945, August 30th- Japanese troops are forced out of Indonesia.

1945, September 9th- Americans land in Taiwan.

1945, September 16th- The Soviet Union declares war on Japan and invades Manchuria.

1945, September 20th- Chinese forces retake Beijing.

1945, October 25th- Hiroshima is nuked.

1945, October 27th- Manchuria is cleared of Japanese troops and American soldiers land in Korea. Nagasaki is Nuked.

1945, November 11th- Kawasaki is Nuked by the Americans.

1945, November 20th- The Japanese Government Surrenders.

1945, December 2nd- The remaining Japanese soldiers surrender. The War ends.

Deaths from the War.

Soviet Union- 20,000,000

China- 19,000,000


Poland- 5,000,000

Dutch East Indies- 3,000,000

Japan- 4,000,000

India- 3,000,000

Yugoslavia- 1,100,000

France and colonies- 5,750,000

Philippines- 600,000

Greece- 450,000


Italy- 2,000,000

Korea- 480,000

Hungary- 500,000

United Kingdom- 480,000

United States- 520,000

Lithuania- 320,000

Czechoslovakia- 340,000

Burma- 300,000

Latvia- 200,000

Allied and Axis Forces
Allied and Axis Forces during the War

Netherlands- 340,000


Malaysia and Singapore- 100,000

Belgium- 120,000

Finland- 100,000

Estonia- 90,000

Canada- 43,600

Australia- 40,400

Portugal- 200,000

Spain- 1,050,000

Albania- 45,000

Bulgaria- 80,000

Norway- 30,000

Sweden- 20,000

South Africa- 12,000

Brazil- 400,000

Argentina- 800,000

Paraguay- 50,000

Venezuela- 1,000

Uruguay- 23,000

Bolivia- 90,000

Chile- 25,000

Peru- 26,000

Colombia- 900


Haiti- 81,000

Dominican Republic-200,000

Panama- 900

Ireland- 200,000

New Zealand- 10,000

Siam- 100,000



Turkey- 523,000

Iran- 9,000

Iraq- 20,000


Luxembourg- 8,000

Austria- 600,000

Axis Forces at their territorial height

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