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Imagination Realm # 732The Nordic Alliance

Updated: Feb 8, 2019

In this alternate history we will explore what will become of Europe and the world in the event of a military alliance between the Nordic powers of Europe. Also remember that this is an alternate history scenario and it is not meant to offend anyone, it was made solely for fun.

In this history the Congress of Vienna had several different changes, first Prussia was seen as the savior of the German states and so it was given large amounts of land from those states including all of the Kingdom of Saxony. Polish independence was established as the Kingdom of Poland under the rule of Adam Kazimierz Czartoryski. The Baltic area was given independence as the confederation of Baltica, Savoy was given lands in northern Italy and Corsica, finally Catalonia was given freedom. In this history the Ottomans actively supported Napoleon and his empire. They were then invaded by British, Austrian, and Russian armies that also had support from Romanian and Greek revolutionaries. The war against the Ottomans continued long after the fall of Napoleon and only surrendered in 1822. Greece and Romania then gained independence from the Ottomans and Austria gained the Bosnia area. Greece would then go to war again with the Ottomans in 1825 and with British support they were able to retake many lost historical lands.

In 1824 revolution struck Russia as the people had grown tired with Emperor Alexander. The revolt lasted until the early days of 1826 when the people replaced him with Grand Duke Michael Pavlovich. Under his rule the Russian Empire was reformed, and serfdom was abolished. Another revolution occurred that year was the Hungarian Revolt of 1824 to 1825 which established the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Prussia and Britain were both weary from the war and they wanted to ensure that France would never rise again as a threat. So, they began negotiations for an alliance that would form in 1833, this Alliance was known for a time as the Anglo-Prussian Defense Treaty.

Europe 1826

As the years went along France invaded and annexed Algeria and Tunisia. This is act frightened Britain and Prussia, so they added Sweden into the treaty which caused it to be renamed the Nordic Alliance. This alliance then sent support to the newly formed Kingdom of Italy after its creation in 1861. Russia then invaded Baltica in 1850 and annexed the Estonia region. In response to this Prussia annexed the remaining Northern German States and began putting more influence on the southern states to become more dependent on Prussia. Meanwhile the French occupied Mexico which led to Britain sanctioning France while Prussia mobilized its armies to defend the border. The American Civil war lasted long into 1866 and the Paraguayan War in South America was raging. France also began mobilizing in response to the actions of Britain and Prussia. Europe was on the edge of war, but peace was just about to be ensured in the summer of 1865 with the signing of the European Peace Accords when Russia Invaded Sweden. This sent Europe into chaos as everyone chose sides. On one side there was Poland, Prussia, Britain, Sweden, Lithuania, Romania, and Italy. On the other there was France, Netherlands, Denmark, Russia, Spain, and the Austro-Hungarian Empire. And yet on another side there was the Ottomans who were intent on regaining lost lands from Greece.

Europe 1865

The Great European War, as it was being called, was the most devastating European war to date. It began on May 9th, 1865 and would drag on until July 14th, 1869. Russia Invaded Poland while France made a lightning advance into Prussian Germany. This action caused the remaining German states to accept a union with Prussia, thus uniting them all as the Germanic Empire. The French advance was halted around the city Koblenz. The German armies rallied and began to push the French back, in a pincer movement the Germans were able to cut off 100,000 French troops from their lines around the city of Trier. The troops surrendered and the Germans advanced to the pre-war border and began to erect defensive positions. In Poland the Russians had advanced to just 15 miles away from Warsaw. The Polish army then abandoned the area and allowed the Russians to occupy Warsaw. Up in Sweden the Russians were forced on the defensive after the Swedes repeatedly defeated their attackers. The Russians were then outflanked by Swedish troops who landed behind enemy lines by ship on August 19th, 1865. The Russians were thrown into disarray and were forced to retreat to the pre-war border having suffered heavy casualties. This defeat caused the Russian command to send more troops into Finland, which weakened the forces in Poland. On September 20th, 1865 the Poles, with Prussian assistance, cut off the Russians at Warsaw and laid siege to the city. Over 50,000 Russians were captured when they surrendered in early October.

The British had won several battles at sea already, against the French and Spanish and they used their naval supremacy to strike at and occupy French and Spanish overseas territories and colonies around the world. The British were sending most of their land forces to Portugal to protect the country from the Spanish who were invading the beleaguered state. The Spanish were making great advances into Portugal with the entire northern half being taken by the end of the year, but the Portuguese were able to stop the Spanish advance near the city of Coimbra. The Spaniards charged again and again but were thrown back each time. The Spanish and Portuguese both fortified their positions and stalemate broke out on that front. In Gibraltar the British were placed under siege for over seven months until it was finally taken by the Spanish. Catalonia was also taken in the early days of 1866. The year of 1866 saw little movement as most armies were reorganizing and strategizing. Only in the winter months of 1866 to 1867 did the action begin again. Austria declared war on Prussia and Poland, but due to the incompetence of the commanders the Austrian forces were defeat in Saxony and Bavaria. The Prussians counter attacked and captured Prague in the early spring of 1867. Russia again attacked the Poles but was then surprised by the declarations of Romania and Lithuania on them. Again, the Russians were forced to spread out their forces, which already suffered from poor equipment and low morale. In Moscow there was chaos as the people began demanding the return of the Romanov Dynasty and the overthrow of the Reformed Russian Empire.

In June of 1867 the Russian people rose up once again and overthrew the Reformed Russian Empire and placed Alexander II on the throne. This political chaos caused the command structure to collapse, the Poles and Swedes saw this and began to advance. The Swedes pushed far south into Finland and they eventually captured Helsinki on July 22nd. The Poles were less successful but were still able to push the Russians back to within 40 miles of the pre-war borders. The French then began their long-awaited attack against Germany again on July 20th. The Netherlands and Denmark also declared war on Germany in hopes of gaining lands in what seemed like an inevitable German defeat. The Germans were forced to pull out of Prague and send more reinforcements to the Western Front. Thankfully for Germany, Italy declared on the Austrians and advanced to Venice. The Austrians now had to focus on the Italians and were unable to retake the lands lost to the Germans. The French and the Dutch advanced across the north western coast of Germany and met up with the Danes who were striking south. The French then circled back down and entrapped the Germans who were defending the border. While this battle was going on news came from the east that the Russians had surrendered, allowing Polish, Swedish, and Lithuanian troops to come to the aid of Germany. In the most decisive battle of the war, the Battle of Wolfsburg, saw the French, Danish, and Dutch armies completely destroyed after suffering over 500,000 casualties.

The French retreat turned into a route as the Germans were able to retake their lands and free their entrapped brothers at the border. Swedish troops invaded the Netherlands while German and Polish troops attacked Denmark. Denmark was forced to surrendered on December 25th, 1867. The French attempted to stay on the offensive by crossing the Rhine river and occupying Frankfurt and Karlsruhe. This attack was halted after the Germans reinforced the cities and destroyed the French on the water. The French were able to retreat to Strasbourg in good order and were then able to reinforce their lines. The French would never go on the offensive again in the war.

Austria was in chaos with Polish, Italian, and German troops invading from the North, the East, and the West. The multi ethnical empire was falling apart and the Hungarians were in revolt. The Italians were being held back for the time but now Salzburg and Linz were occupied. The Germans began to spread propaganda about uniting all the German peoples under one flag, this proved to be very influential as many Austrian soldiers deserted to the German ranks. On May 10th, 1868 Austria capitulated. Italy then began to move its troops to its Western border and its invaded Rome, annexing it from the pope. On June 1st Italy declared on France and began a limited assault on the French borderlands.

War was also breaking out in the Balkans as Turkey declared war on and invaded Greece on April 3rd, 1868. The Greeks put up a good fight for several months, but in the fall of 1868 the Albanians rebelled from Greek and Austrian control. The Albanian rebels were the perfect distraction for the Turks who landed troops around Thessalonica. The Greeks asked the British for assistance, but they were too occupied to do lend any help. So, on November 12th, 1868, the Greeks surrendered and gave up lands to the new Albanian state and to the victorious Turks.

The war in Spain was finally breaking out of its stalemate when the Spaniards made an advance towards Lisbon. The British attempted to break this advance by taking the city of Cadiz. This assault failed but it did cause the Spanish military to move troops to the coast to protect major cities from assault. The British abandoned the idea of invasion and instead settled with shelling the Spanish cities with their more powerful navy. The Portuguese meanwhile were on the verge of defeat and were negotiating a separate peace with the Spaniards. Upon hearing of this, the British occupied Lisbon and installed a new government to lead to the war effort. The Spanish were again halted and slowly pushed away from Lisbon.

The Dutch meanwhile had been fighting a desperate battle against the advancing Swedes and Germans who now surrounded Rotterdam and Amsterdam. On February 4th, 1869, the Dutch surrendered. This allowed the Germans and Swedes to march unmolested through Dutch lands and into Northern France. The British began a limited amphibious landing at Calais on April 1st, the same day that the French city of Strasbourg fell to the advancing Germans. King Napoleon III of France was killed in the fighting around Nancy on April 20th. News of his death spread to Paris, where the people rose up in rebellion. French troops were sent to stop the uprising, but it began to spread to other French cities. On May 7th, the Germans took Verdun and the British advanced to Dunkirk. The Italians were advancing to Marseille by now and the Spanish were facing another amphibious invasion in the south.

On June 8th Italian and British troops landed at Barcelona and the Catalonians revolted against their Spanish occupiers, allowing the allied troops to land with almost no resistance. The Spanish surrendered just a week later. The British and German armies were advancing onto Paris and began to besiege the city which was already in a state of anarchy. Paris fell on July 7th with the rest of the country following so on July 14th, 1869. The German and British troops then worked with the French troops for two more months to destroy the French rebels. The Great European War had come to an end.

In the Treaty of Berlin, which was signed on October 1st, 1869, Germany annexed the Alsace-Lorraine from France, Luxembourg from The Netherlands, Schleswig from Denmark, and finally all Austrian lands that were in the historic German Confederation. Austria ceased to exist as an independent state and what was left of the Austro-Hungarian Empire became the Kingdom of Hungarian Croats. Italy gained slight border lands from France and Tunisia, Rome was officially annexed, and the former Venetian lands were returned from Austria. All European states officially recognized the Germanic Empire, Lithuania gained southern Estonia, with Poland annexing more lands in the east. Romania gained Bessarabia and Sweden took Northern Estonia and Finland. The Netherlands was separated into Belgium and The Netherlands. The French lost all overseas territories and colonies not in Africa to Britain (Except the French Caribbean Islands, which were given to Germany.) Dutch Caribbean lands were given to Sweden (Except for Aruba). Finally, Britain annexed a few square miles from the Spaniards near Gibraltar, with Portugal annexing some borderlands. The Spanish Empire was also dismembered with the Portugal annexing Puerto Rico, Cuba, and the Spanish East Indies (These would later be lost in 1899 when Cuba is given independence and Puerto Rico is sold to the United States).

Europe 1873

The War brought Germany into the colonial world, the Germans began to occupy and colonize lands in the Pacific and Africa. Britain took on a more aggressive nature in its foreign policy. France was left to boil in hatred against the Germans and British. France began to ally itself with the minor states throughout Europe, even Switzerland. France was preparing itself for another war, the military was in charge, with Napoleon IV as a puppet. Germany began to actually lower its military spending as it was tired with war. Over the years Poland and Hungary would both distance themselves from the Germanic Empire.

Late in 1883 the Italian people rebelled against the King and attempted to set up a Commune like the one in Paris. The Italian Civil War, as it was called, ended in 1886 with the communists being destroyed, but the Italians would then from that day on distance themselves from Germany after they refused to send support during the civil war. In 1888 Britain refreshed the Nordic Alliance with Sweden and Germany who swore to defend and protect each other. In 1900 Poland’s monarch died without an heir and the nation set up a republic. This republic allied itself not with the Germans who had fought for their independence, but instead with Hungary.

By 1905 Europe was in an arms race, Germany had restarted its military spending and was on the path to war, but the French had been preparing for much longer. In 1906 revolution broke out in the Ottoman Empire leading to the overthrow of Ottoman rule in Serbia and Bulgaria. In 1911 Hungary invaded the newly created Kingdom of Serbia and annexed it into their empire, they would rename themselves the Kingdom of Hungarian Yugoslavs later in 1912. Greece then created an alliance with the Italians, Hungarians, and Bulgarians against the Ottoman empire and Albania. Tensions were high all-around Europe and all it needed was a spark to light the fire.

On the night of August 1st, 1913, three of the Germanic Empire’s princes were visiting the Swiss city of Basel when they were all killed by a group of armed men who attacked them and their guards. Wilhelm II was so shocked by this news that he had a heart attack and died on August 3rd, 1913. The German people were left in a state of shock, this shock then became anger. On August 5th, 1913, Crown Prince Wilhelm was coronated as Wilhelm III and one August 6th war was declared on Switzerland after they refused to hand over the murderers.

Everything fell apart from there, France declared war on Germany in defense of its ally and within a month Britain, Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark, Spain, and Portugal joined the war. On November 11th, 1913, Poland declared war on Germany, effectively stabbing them in the back. Italy joined on the side of the French on December 17th with Russia doing the same on December 22nd. Much like in our history the fighting of this war spread across the world with countries like Japan, Brazil, and Sweden joining the conflict in 1914. Another aspect of this war was the trench warfare that led to stalemate. Both sides were trapped in a terrible slugging match that saw no clear victor. The Poles and Russians pushed into east Prussia while the French and Dutch advanced from the west. British troops landed in Germany to help and British ships attacked the French and Spanish, blockading them from the world. Greece, Italy, Bulgaria, and Hungary all declared war on the Ottomans and Albanians in 1915 and the Ottomans were forced to surrender after only two years of fighting. In 1916 Hungary betrayed Germany and invaded from the south, but German troops were able to halt their advance.

For the next year no advances were made. In late 1917 the Russians suffered a revolution, again. This time the people called for the head of the Romanov family. The Russians made peace with Germany after the revolution overthrew the monarchy and then invaded Poland and Lithuania. The Poles were able to stop their advance into Poland, but with Lithuania about to collapse they invaded it and annexed its lands. Russia made peace with all the remaining parties and left the conflict. During this chaos, the Germans were able to retake east Prussia and they even made it to Warsaw, but it was all in vain. The German people were growing tired of the fighting and demanded that it end. Not wanting to cause a civil war that tore down Russia, the German high command surrendered on September 2nd, 1918. Britain fought on for another two weeks before surrendering as well.

The Treaty of Versailles was signed on January 1st, 1919. Germany was forced to ceded East Prussia to Poland, Trieste and Trento to Italy, Moravia and Slovenia to Hungary, Alsace-Lorraine to France, Southern Baden to Switzerland, Luxembourg to Belgium along with some border lands to the Netherlands, finally the German colonies around the world were taken away and Denmark retook Schleswig. Belgium then merged with the Netherlands to create Benelux. Britain lost Egypt, Malta, Sudan, and Somaliland to the Italians. Spain took Gibraltar, Catalonia, and Gambia, France took the British Indian ocean islands, parts of Ceylon, and Parts of Bengal. Sweden lost some borderlands and Estonia to Russia, and Bornholm to Denmark. Romania gained more of Bessarabia after occupying the land after the Russian Revolution. Heavy debts were placed on Germany and Britain. Albania was split between Hungary and Greece while Greece took over all the Aegean Islands. Bulgaria gained more parts of Thrace and Italy Annexed Cyprus and the Levant while Iraq gained independence. Japan was not required to give back any lands in the Pacific.

World War One left Germany and Britain in a state of despair and yet it was not them who suffered revolution. The people of Portugal, Spain, and France were enraged that they received little from the war while the wealthy and rich got everything. So, in late 1919 to mid-1920 they rebelled. Napoleon IV was killed along with the Spanish and Portuguese monarchs. The French set up the French Commune and all of Iberia united into the Iberian Commune. During this the United States occupied and annexed the Portuguese lands in the Pacific, in order to stop them from becoming communist.

Europe in 1921

In 1925 the countries of Europe came together and signed the European Demilitarization Treaty at Bern, Switzerland. The treaty called for the limitation and restriction of the armed forces of the European countries in order to stop another war from breaking out between themselves ever again. However, Bulgaria did not come to the peace table and it continued to militarize. The treaty was treated with disgust in Germany and Britain. The people demanded that change occur, Wilhelm III was terrified that revolution would break out and he would be killed, so he gave into the peoples demands. More power was given to the people and the Monarchy was restructured to be a constitutional monarchy.

In 1929 the world economy collapsed, and the Great Depression began. Germany was hit very hard from this with over 30 percent of the available work force being unemployed. The British suffered miserably as well with nearly 30 percent being unemployed. Wilhelm III fell into a deep depression after seeing his nation fall apart. He wanted the empire to be restored. So, on June 8th, 1934 he took over total power once again. In order to keep the people under control, he set up the Leisewolf squads. These acted as secret police and they rounded up those who opposed the monarchy. Wilhelm III left the European Demilitarization Treaty later in 1934 and began to rebuild his army for war. Britain followed later in 1935, but Sweden declared that it would continue to follow the treaty (Although they would later reverse this decision in 1939). France and Spain both saw that the Germans were preparing for another war, so they too left the treaty in 1937.

In order to prepare the people of Germany for war once more, Wilhelm had a new racial ideology taught in schools, it described the Latin peoples as being lazy, stupid, and an enemy to all things right. This doctrine caught on quick with the Germanic peoples who saw the French as their enemies and the Italians as backstabbing traitors. France was not concerned very much with the rise of German power because they believed that Russia and Poland would help keep them in check. This all changed in 1938 when Russia made an alliance with Germany. This alliance shocked the world, France broke off relations with Russia later that year. Germany and Britain both were preparing for all out war. Over in Britain, Winston Churchill was modernizing the Navy and Army, while an Austrian corporal turned Colonel, Adolf Hitler began to strategize a new tactic in the German army called blitzkrieg. Most of the German high command did not want to listen to what this man had to say, but Wilhelm was impressed by his energy and made Adolf Hitler a major general by 1940. A secret message was delivered to the British on May 30th that the Germans were going to invade Poland on June 3rd. The British immediately mobilized and set their ships out to prepare for war.

Early in the morning of June 3rd, 1940 the Germans struck followed by the Russians on June 10th. Poland fell within 3 weeks. France declared war on Germany on June 4th but was racked with indecision and they never attacked the Germans. Like in our timeline France had built up a defensive line called the Maginot line, so France wanted to stay on the defensive, never the offensive. Iberia declared war on Britain and Germany on June 20th. After the fall of Poland, the Germans swiftly transported troops over the western front. Some went north and invaded Denmark, with Swedish support. Denmark fell on July 30th. France and Benelux were both invaded on August 11th. The British landed troops at Brest while the Germans swept down from Belgium. France and Benelux capitulated on October 27th, 1940. Germany and Britain then occupied France and prepared for a longer war.

After the shocking fall of France in October, Italy and Hungary Yugoslav declared war on the Nordic powers. Romania declared war on Hungary and Bulgaria declared war on Turkey. In the late Spring of 1941 German and British troops invaded Iberia by crossing the Pyrenes and through naval invasions in the Lisbon and Porto. The Portuguese nationalists then rose up and began to support the British on their march. While this invasion was going on the Hungarians had advanced to Vienna and the Italians were about to take Innsbruck, but because of the Romanian declaration on Hungary they were able to slow down their advance on Vienna. German troops were being rushed to Austria to defend the great city while Swedish troops replaced the German troops in Spain. When Catalonia revolted against Spanish rule and added more troops to the forces in Iberia, the Germans were able to send four divisions to Austria. Spain surrendered on August 4th, 1941.

Vienna fell before the Germans could send reinforcement there, but it was soon retaken after only two weeks of fighting. The Germans then used Hitler’s Blitzkrieg to great use and bombed Belgrade, Sarajevo, and Budapest constantly for days. The Germans then began a lightning advance south west along the Dalmatian coast and back up towards Sarajevo. The Romanians entered the Great Hungarian Plain and had started their way towards the heart of Hungary. The Hungarian high command was about to lead a daring counter attack when an enemy bomb killed five generals. The high command collapsed, and the Kingdom of Hungarian Yugoslavs surrendered on September 29th, 1941. Bulgaria was able to swiftly defeat the inferior Turkish forces in Thrace and, with Romanian and British support, even managed to land troops in Asia Minor. Turkey was suffering from low morale, inadequate supplies, and outdated weapons. They soon surrendered on November 1st, 1941.

Over in Asia, Japan had invaded French East Asia and the Dutch East Indies. The United States remained untouched in these times and stayed locked in its isolationist form. Australia occupied Dutch New Guinea and Portuguese East Indies. Japan created a defense pact with the UK and Germany, promising to end all imperialist goals towards British territories in return for British Malaya, although Britain still retained control over Singapore. With these new lands and resources, Japan can continue its war against China and build up forces to fight against the United States if they became aggressive towards the Japanese Empire.

The Invasion of Italy came on May 11th, 1942. German armies poured into the Po river valley in the North, while British troops landed Sicily, Corsica, and Sardinia. British forces were able to take these islands within just four weeks and Germany advanced to Florence in the same amount of time. Stalemate broke out due the rough hilly grounds of Italy that proved to be perfect for defensive warfare. The British landed in southern Italy in late June and began a slow push northward. Italian partisans caused the fighting to drag on even longer with even heavier casualties. By August though it seemed that the Italians were going to quit when suddenly France rebelled against its occupiers in Paris. Northern France became a warzone once more and the Germans had to send troops to quell the insurrection.

The Italians were able to regain lost ground during this short respite, but the French insurrection soon collapsed with its leaders all being executed or fleeing to the Americas. The march through Italy continued and Naples fell to the British on August 29th. The Italians began once again to try and negotiate peace, but the Nordic powers would hear none of it, they said that they would ignore all surrender offers except for ones of absolute surrender. With the Germans closing in on Rome and the constant bombardment of its historical structures the Italians accepted the terms and capitulated on September 18th, 1942. But even then, the war was not over. British and Swedish troops were still battling the French and Spanish in their world-wide territories while British and German troops succeeded in squashing all resistance in North Africa and Southern Europe. Biggest of all though, Switzerland remained. So, on March 2nd, 1943 it was invaded on all sides. Switzerland fell on April 1st, 1943. The war was officially declared over on April 12th, 1943.

There were four separate treaties that were signed after the war, the Treaty of Granada, the Treaty of Orleans, the Treaty of Sofia, and the Treaty of Verona. The Treaty of Granada was designated for Iberia. Spain is to recognize the independence of Catalonia and the Basque counties. Spain and Portugal are to separate from each other, and Portugal is to gain large amounts of borderlands around it. The Balearic Islands, Gibraltar, Northern Galicia, and Spanish Morocco are to go to the British. Spain’s military is never to exceed 100,000 members. All Spanish tanks, warships over 2,000 tons, and military aircraft are to go to Portugal. Portugal was also to gain the Canary Islands and the Gambia, while Sweden was to gain Spanish Equatorial Guinea and Spanish Sahara. Spain was to be governed by a Nordic friendly leader (A puppet). Spain was required to pay war reparation sums.

The Treaty of Orleans dealt with France, the Minor European states and the agreements with Russia. First Russia was to gain the Estonian islands and give Sweden some lands in the North in return for this. Next France was to hand over Alsace-Lorraine along with some extra lands around said territory to Germany. France was to give independence to Algeria and Morocco, all French overseas territories would be annexed between Germany, Britain, Sweden, Portugal, and Japan. Brittany and historical Aquitaine would be given to Britain. France was to never have more than 100,000 men serving in its armed forces. France was to never build tanks, or a navy. All of Frances tanks and aircraft went to Germany, while its naval forces were split between Britain and Sweden. France was to be governed by a Nordic friendly leader (A puppet). France was finally required to pay large war reparation sums.

The Netherlands was to hand over its eastern provinces to the Germanic Empire, all Dutch warships were also to go to Germany. Luxembourg was to be annexed into the Germanic Empire along with some minor Belgian borderlands. What was left of these countries was to be combined into the Federal State of the Lowlands which was also to annex border regions around Belgium, including Calais and Dunkirk. Denmark was to be completely annexed with all of Jutland going to Germany and everything else, including Iceland and Greenland, was to go to Sweden. All Danish warships were to go to Sweden. Poland was to be officially annexed into the Germanic Empire and Russia. Switzerland was also to be completely annexed into the Germanic Empire.

The Treaty of Sofia dealt with the Balkans. Hungary was to lose all lands that it had taken from the Germanic Empire after WW1, Slovenia was to be annexed into the Germanic Empire and the Hungarian army was to never exceed 100,000. Romania was to annex Transylvania and all Hungarian military aircraft and tanks were to be given to Romania. Yugoslavia was to become an independent state that was separate from Hungary and small Albanian lands were to be given to Greece. Hungary was to pay some war reparations and a Nordic Friendly government was installed. The Hungarian monarchy was to be exiled into the Germanic Empire and Yugoslavia was to become a Federal Republic. Bulgaria was to gain all of Thrace from Turkey, including Istanbul, along with war reparations towards Greece and Bulgaria. Turkey was to become a Republic and Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and Transjordan were to be annexed by the British Empire.

Finally came the Treaty of Verona. Italy was to hand over all lands taken from the Germanic Empire after WW1, the Trieste-Venice region was to be annexed into the Germanic Empire. Britain was to annex Libya, Italian East Africa, and Egypt, along with Malta and Cyprus. Germany was to annex Tunisia. The remainder of Italy was to be split into three separate states. The Kingdom of Naples, The Kingdom of Italia, and the Kingdom of Piedmont. Piedmont was to be give some French borderlands along with Sardinia and Corsica. The Italian states were to give large war reparations to Germany and Britain. All Italian military aircraft and tanks were to be given to Germany while 3/5 of the Italian fleet was to go to Britain, 1/5 to Portugal, and 1/5 to the Germanic Empire.

The war had relatively low casualties compared with World War 2 in our history. The total deaths in the war were lower than that of the First World War. The Nordic Alliance and Japan were set on world domination and the liberation of the millions who are suffering under Soviet rule. Over the next two years these powers would secretly gather their massive armies on the borders of the Soviet Union to bring about the fall of communism. The Nordic Alliance also has access to a new weapon, one that the Germanic Empire has and now Sweden and Britain are building, the Atomic Bomb.

Who knows what the world will look like in the next twenty years? America still is in an isolation state and is not doing anything to prepare against the rising power of Japan and the Nordic powers. War between these two factions is inevitable, but that is a story for another time.

Europe in 1948

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