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Imagination Realm 705 Empire of Frost

Elsa, the magical queen of Arendal, was one of the main characters in the hit Disney film Frozen. In the film she is able to overcome what she sees as her curse through the love and care of her younger sister Anna. Elsa was originally supposed to be the villian of the movie, but that was changed and instead the dashing prince Hans of the southern isles (Probably the Danish islands) is the villain who wants to take control of the kingdom by using his charms to marry and eventually kill Anna or Elsa. Well he fails, but what if that isn't the end of the story, what if everything goes downhill after the supposed victory over evil, what if the good queen, becomes evil. That is what this Imagination Realm is about. I have made others similar to this one, like Imagination Realm # 593, but this is the one I have decided to write about because I go into greater depth in this version than in any other.

Arendal is located in southern Norway. Norway has been united for hundreds of years, so that must mean that because this is a seperate country not called Norway then we can assume that this country exists before the unification of Norway. So we (when I say we, I mean I) can assume that this takes place in Viking times. I am going to say that it is 1232 AD, I know that Norway was united at this time, but I decided that it was a good enough date to use. So now that we have that sorted out lets get to the main story shall we?

It is 1232 and Elsa has been queen for only a few months, Kristoff and Anna are engaged, everything seems to be right. Several years past and Anna gives birth a pair of twin girls and a boy. The girls are nearing their sixth birthday and the Kingdom is to celebrate alongside the royal family. During the celebrations and the partying a group of men enter the castle and join in the celebration. While dancing with her husband, Anna is stabbed in the back by one of the men. Before anyone can react the Princesses are kidnapped. They make it to the docks before they are stopped by the royal guard. The men throw the children overboard and are then killed, only one is captured. One of the Princesses sadly drowns before she can be rescued. Anna dies later that night from her wounds. When interrogated, the last surviving man tells Elsa about his mission to kill Anna, a mission arranged by Prince Hans of the Southern Isles, who is now King after a mysterious shipwreck killed all of his brothers. Elsa in a fit of rage kills the man and declares war on the Southern Isles.

Winter comes early that year as Elsa uses her powers to create a massive snowstorm that quickly spreads across Scandinavia. She creates an army out of ice and snow, much like the snow golem she created back at her ice castle many years ago, these though we mostly ice and they were stronger, also there were thousands of them. With her army behind her, she froze the sea seperating the southern isles from Arendal and marched her army down to its capitol. Hans and his army stood no chance against this force, the constant snow helped repair and create new warriors who killed all in their path. Elsa found Hans cowering in the corner of his castle, She made sure he would never prove to be a problem to anyone ever again.

The North after Elsa's powers covered it in snow.

This victory did not calm her rage and the winter continued, except in Arendal which was spared her anger. The other kings and nobles of Norway joined together to fight off this "witch". In battle they slew Kristoff which only increased Elsa's anger and distrust of others. She quickly conquered Norway and annexed Denmark. Finally with all of her enemies around her dead or imprisoned, the winter began to fade. Elsa even made it so winter wouldn't be harsh for many more years, allowing the new kingdom to prosper with a massive amount of food production.

Elsa married in 1259 to a young commander of hers named Alec. In 1259 she gave birth to her first child, sadly it was stillborn. In 1262 she had a daughter named Anna and a year later she had a son named Alec. Elsa helped her surviving niece and nephew grow up to become rulers of certain parts of the kingdom. Elsa was nearly assassinated in 1269 by a crazed blacksmith who thought she was Satan. This event caused Elsa to install a more oppressive government that restricted the rights of her people. She grew paranoid and distant from those around her. She ruled for many more years with not much happening, but then in 1289 she gave birth to another girl, she named her Elsa. Elsa's daughter showed magical powers like hers and Elsa knew she was to be the heir of the kingdom. So for the next fourty years she taught her daughter all she knew about her powers and the kingdom. Elsa died at age 118 in 1329, this was shocking because she seemed so young when she died. This phenomenon was caused by her powers which preserved her body, much like how putting food in the fridge makes it last longer.

With the death of her mother, Elsa was crowned Elsa II of the Kingdom of Arendal. During the early years of her reign many attempts to overthrow her were crushed, these people were not trying to overthrow her because of her tyranical powers, but rather because they thought she was a witch. To end these beliefs of her supposed wickedness queen Elsa II began a program of reeducating the people to believe that the powers she possessed were a sign of her holiness and righteousness. She also helped isolate the country from the effects of the Black Death, this greatly inhanced her public image.She married at age 49 and had two children in her lifetime, these being Grippen and Maikel. During a state visit to Sweden Elsa was insulted by King Albert's behavior towards her (he called her a witch, and an immortal harlot). Upon her return to her kingdom she began gathering together her troops and started created an army of ice giants and snowmen that could rival any army in europe. After years of preparations she declared war on Sweden in 1376. The invasion was swift and all resistance was crushed in a mere month. Scandinavia was now now under the complete control of Arendal which was offically renamed in 1378 as the Empire of Frost. Some of the Swedish royal family, including Albert, escaped to Iceland after the fall of their kingdom. Iceland was invaded in 1380 and Greenland was taken later that year. Queen Elsa II was then recognized by multiple nations as a legitimate ruler and not just a witch. One of the first nations to do so was England in 1379 by king Richard II. Queen Elsa II died at age 98 in 1387.

Empire of Frost in 1381

Upon the death of queen Elsa II her eldest son Grippen was crowned at the age 44. He had inherited the throne in very difficult times. The Vatican saw the Empire as a threat to their control over Europe and so the pope declared a holy war against the Empire in an effort to destroy the "witchcraft of the north" in reality the war was just to add power to the pope. A league was formed by nearly a dozen nations who began invading through Denmark. Only England remained loyal to their new ally. Grippen gathered together the ice giants that fought for his mother and created more to battle the pope and his puppets. In 1398 he stopped the invasion of Denmark and invaded what is now Germany and caused a blizzard to ravage Central Europe. After just 2 years of war the Vatican surrendered and the Holy Roman Empire was forced to secede all lands touching the Baltic coast, also Lithuania lost some coastal territory. In return for their loyalty Grippen helped England battle the Scots and Irish in 1401. Scotland was crushed and England annexed both Ireland and Scotland while the Empire gained the Orkney and Shetland islands from Scotland.

In 1444 an imperial funded expedition discovered Newfoundland and Canada. Wanting to keep this vast new land a secret King Grippen commanded that all people knowing of it be sworn to never tell about their discovery. The truth only got out in 1480 after his death and after the Empire had already established major colonies in the New World. In 1454 pope Callixtus III called for another war against the Empire. This time they used fire weapons to destroy the kings ice giants and snowmen. The war was very harsh and in a multi year campaign, Grippen marched his troops all the way down to Rome where he killed the pope and destroyed a large part of the city. The war ended in 1470. The Empire gained Lithuania and large parts of Poland and Germany. Britain’s lands in France were expanded while Russia was invaded and the north was annexed. Grippen the great died at age 137 in 1480. Upon his death he was given the title King Grippen the Great.

Empire of Frost Flag 1378 to 1667

Grippen II was the eldest surviving son of King Grippen the Great and had no magical abilities. Because of this he didn't live nearly as long as his father or grandmother, yet during that time he had to battle the threat of Spanish colonialism which was expanding into the Carribean and keep the European states in check who were constantly trying to weaken the Empire. He gifted England lands in the americas to strengthen the friendship between the two states. In 1486 war broke out between the Empire and the emerging nationstate of Russia, this inconclusive war war helped establish the border between the two countries. He died in 1490.

Grippen II had a sister named Maud who had powers and after the death of her brother she took the throne. Under her watchful eye the empire grew greatly with by expanding deep into what is now Canada, by gaining territories in the carribeans, and new trade ports opened up in Africa and Asia. She was considered ugly at the time because instead of the families standard ginger and blonde hair, she had long block hair and because of this she found it hard to find a suitor. Queen Maud's position was also weakened due to the threat of her powers being diminished with the increase in gunpowder warfare. She also had weaker magic than her father and she couldn’t influence the weather greatly. She died without an heir at age 100 in 1560. Before she died she gave sancuary to the Lady Jane Grey and helped ouster the anti magic queen Mary of England so that her sister Elizabeth could rule in her stead.

Scandinavian colonists setting up colonies in the Americas

After the death of Queen Maud there was no heir for the throne. This caused a succession crisis that saw the installment of Queen Sasha to the throne. Sasha was the first person to be named Sasha and she was the direct descendant from Princess Anna's son. She claimed that she was the rightful ruler of the Empire. This did not sit well with her cousin Elsa who battled her cousin in a four year civil war to claim the throne. Elsa gained more support due to the fact that she had powers. Sasha was overthrown in 1564 and was banished to the Americas. Her ship was sunk in a hurricane on its way there.

With the removal of Sasha from power, Elsa was crowned Elsa III. Elsa was fundamental in building up the Empires presence in Africa by expanding the trading posts and by expanding inland. Under her rule a minor colonial war was waged between Spain and the Empire from 1572 to 1574. She was the first monarch of the Empire to leave Europe when she traveled to China in 1579. During her visit there she was presented to Zhu Yijun the Emperor of China, who was also known as the Wanli Emperor. He seemed not to be impressed by Elsa's powers and tried to enforce strict trade agreements upon her. This only angered the queen who showed the dark side of her powers. This frightened the Emperor greatly, who then agreed to open up more trade ports with the Empire for a low fee. In 1602 a rebellion broke out in Sweden and Finland but this was quickly suppressed and the rebels were either slain, imprisoned or sold into slavery. Another rebellion broke out in 1605, this time it was the peasants in Norway who were rebeling. Over 10,000 were killed in the rebellion and over 5,000 were sold into slavery. Because of these actions she was called Elsa the Cruel. She died at age 99 after ruling the empire for 66 years.

Queen Elsa III had successfully kept her nation out of the ongoing religious war that was tearing apart Central Europe during the later years of her reign. This all changed with her death in 1630 and with the ascension to the throne by her son Gustav. Gustav had many friends in the Protestant sections of Europe and he was most aggrieved to see them being killed because of their religious beliefs. He joined in on the Protestant side in 1631 and was quickly attacked by Poland and Lithuania. He marched his troops into Poland and another force was sent through Latvia to defeat Lithuania. Lithuania quickly fell after a massive battle killed 10,000 Lithuanian soldiers. Gustav's massive army defeated the poles and the Catholic Germans in multiple pitched battles that was always just won at the last second. Bohemia then seperated from Germany and gained independence in 1638. This war would go down in history as the twenty years war. Large amounts of lands were annexed in Germany, Poland, and Lithuania. Lithuania no longer existed as a state with the remaining lands going to Poland and Russia.

Gustav was then attacked by a Russian and Polish army in 1667. The war was hard and the Empire just barely defeated them. This hard fought victory was due to the empires greater reliance on actual soldiers because there were not many ice giants or snowmen due to the diminishing amount magic in the Royal blood. The Empire installed a new king in Poland and annexed more lands in Russia, but one of the main reasons why the war ended in a Imperial victory was because of the diplomacy skills of Gustav who agreed to help Russia against the Ottomans in the future. In 1675 the Empire went to war with the Holy Roman Empire once more. After six years of war the Holy Roman Empire was defeated and dismantled into multiple separate independent states. Gustav wanted to make sure Germany never grew to be a threat again. He burned down several cities and annexed the Brandenburg Area. Gustav died after 53 years of rule at the age of 103 in 1683.

Gustav and his victorious army in the Twenty Years War

With the death of Gustav in 1683, his non magical son Harald took the throne at the age of 60. His rule was short, lasting only 4 years, but it was marked by the expansion of the Navy and Army because they needed to replace the troops that had been made of snow and ice for centuries. He died at age 64 in 1687.

King Harald died without having any male heirs so his daughter Anna who had very red hair and magical powers was crowned as Queen. Under her rule the Empire entered the war against the Ottomans in 1683. During the war of the Holy league against the Ottoman Empire, she led her troops into battle and with the help of the Russians and Poles they scored a great victory at Vienna and then at Budapest. The war continued until 1695 when the ottomans surrendered and the Romanian states joined together to create the Kingdom of Romania which then gained independence from the Ottomans. The Ottoman empire suffered greatly and lost many border territories to its christian neighbors. In 1718 Britain and France went to war with one another in the americas. The Empire joined on England’s side and helped them defeat the French in 1726 but not before Anna died at age 71.

Imperial troops besieging a French fort in the Eight Years War.

In 1724 the Empire was finally turning the tide against France when Queen Anna died. Queen Elsa IV was crowned in a hurry in an attempt to quickly stabalize the government to keep the Empire in the war. With her support France was defeated and all of North America was free of French control. England’s colonies continued to grow and the empire added more lands in Maine to their empire. Over the course of Elsa IV's reign she tried to make her magical powers increase but found that they were never going to reach her ancestors strength which caused her to fall into a depression and the belief that she was not good enough. War broke out between the Empire and a confederacy of Indian states led by the Kingdom of Mysore in 1765. The Empire defeated them in 1768 and gained more trade cities in southern India and even annexed some minor states outright. Before she died she helped England battle American separatists in the colonies which was destroyed during years of fighting and after many years George Washington was hunted down with the remaining rebel leaders and were executed. Elsa IV lived till the ripe age of 110 and died in 1777

King Gustav II took over the throne from his mother at the age of 75, Gustav II looked surprisingly young for his age. His magic was much stronger than his mothers and this kept him alive and healthy. During the war against the American revolutionaries, France joined the Americans in an attempt to avenge its previous losses. The war was long and hard with Swedish forces suffering greatly. France was also able to take Normandy from England during the war, but in the end the Americans were defeated in 1781. The Americans were punished and several thousand were executed for treachery. In 1794 France also fell into rebellion. The king of France was killed and the French Revolution began. Gustav II was killed in 1799 at age 97 by revolutionary forces during his visit to Riga. This caused a revolution scare to break through the Empire and many suspected revolutionaries were arrested.

The eldest son of Gustav II had no magic and was crowned King Gustav III at age 68. He died at the age of 80 in 1811 after his empire battled Napoleon's armies in Europe although they were defeated constantly by Napolean's superior tactics that wiped out the last of the ice giants that were created by his father. Napolean punished the Empire by giving Brandenburg to the new German Confederation Along with many lands in Poland which was then given independence as the Kingdom of Poland.

Imperial Troops in the Napoleonic War

King Gustav IV was the grandson of Gustav II and the nephew of King Gustav III, he reigned from the year 1811 to 1840. Gustav IV had some magic, but he could only create a small snow cloud and he could only freeze a small amount of water which was greater evidence of the decline in his families magical capabilities. He helped defeat Napoleon in 1816. He could not stop the expansion of Poland and Russia when they both attacked in 1830. Large amounts of lands in both Poland and Russia were lost during the war. The war exhausted the Empire with over 200,000 men killed by the end of the war in 1834. Gustav died a broken man in 1840 at the age of 89.

King Gustav V was the eldest child of King Gustav IV, but he lacked any magical abilities. He reigned for five years, during which the Empire expanded into in Africa. He died at age 70 and had no heir to succeed him. His niece Anna would then take the throne upon his death in 1845.

Queen Anna II had magical powers, but these could not preserve her. Her magic was so little that she aged just like anyone else. During the later years of her rule Germany and Poland went to war with the empire in 1865. The war lasted a little more than a year, yet it had massive consequences. The Empire lost its last lands in Poland and Germany along with the Duchy of Holstein in Denmark. Another important event that occured during her rule was in 1867 when the American British colonies gained dominion status as the dominion of Columbia and the Dominion of Carolina (for more information see the end of the story). She died at age 69 in late 1867.

Anna's son Grippen was crowned King Grippen III after her death, he would reign from 1867 to 1899. Grippen III inherited the throne during a time of turmoil, a revolution was growing in Latvia while Prussia was growing in power. In 1871 Prussia defeated France in the Franco-Prussian War and united Germany as a single state. In 1875 Italy was finally united except for Tyrol and Venezia. In 1879 the rush for Africa began and the Empire of Frost grew quickly and added Namibia, Madagascar, Comoros, Seychelles, Southern Angola, Northern Botswana, Gabon, Liberia, Congo, Ivory Coast, and Somalia Empire. In 1881 the Latvian revolution was crushed and in 1896 the Empire signed a military pact with the French and the English. In 1897 a Spanish warship sunk 2 convoy ships belonging to the Empire of Frost. War was declared and by 1898 Spain was defeated and it lost its new lands in Africa and its Pacific territories to the Empire. Puerto Rico and Cuba then gained independence from Spain. They would later create the Caribbean Union in 1921. The Empire was one of the largest and most powerful in the world. King Grippen died at age 77.

King Harald II was the younger brother of Grippen III and he was also the last ruler of the Empire to have no magical powers. Under his rule the Empire sent troops to helped defeat the Boxers in China and gained a new trade city there in the process. Under his rule the empire reached its height and built its first Dreadnought with Britain in 1906. Also after Russia was defeated in the Russo Japanese War in 1905 the Empire allowed the Russians to join in the military alliance against Germany and its allies. He died at age 80 in 1909.

New Flag for the Empire of Frost 1910 to Present Day

King Gustav VI was the magical second son of King Harald II. Gustav the sixth was known for his efforts to bring greater democracy to the Empire and its colonies. In 1911King Gustav VI allowed Canada to hold a referendom to decide their future. Canada voted for independence and became a dominion. Texas would follow in 1923 and then Western Australia in 1947. When World War One began the Empire at first did nothing due to the unpreparedness of the Imperial Forces for a major war. They waited till German troops were fighting the Russians and the French before they declared war on the Central Powers and struck at Northern Germany and Poland. Over 450,000 Imperial soldiers would die during the conflict. Thanks to their efforts and American support in 1915 the war ended in 1917. The Axis were Germany, Austro Hungary, Bulgaria, Ottoman Empire, Italy, and Poland. Russia fell into civil war in 1917 and the Empire intervened to assist the White Russians and annexed some Russian lands at the request of the White Russians. The world was horrified with the effects of the World War and they tried to make efforts to make a permament peace, but this failed like in our timeline and upon his death in 1938 at the age of 79 the world was once again on the road to war.

Swedo-Nowegian Troops preparing to join in the eastern front 1915

King Gustav VII was the eldest son of Gustav VI and he reigned from 1938 to 1965. When World War one began the Empire of Frost declared war on Germany. Germany Invaded Scandinavia in a lightning attack that caught the Empire's military completely off guard. Germany then continued on to take France in late 1940. King Gustav went into exile in Britain where he continued on the fight with the remnant of his forces. Scandinavia was placed under the control of Per Engdahl who attempted to make his country declare on Russia in 1941 who had occupied the northern part of the Empire to keep convoys open, but this did not occur due to lack of popular support for his puppet government. The rest of the war went much like it did in our history, except in 1945 75,000 Imperial troops landed in Norway and Denmark and began liberating the area.150,000 members of the Empire died during the course of the war. World War Two ended in late 1945 after the surrender of Japan to the combined forces of Russia, Britain, Australia, The Empire of Frost, The American Dominions, and the Chinese. The Cold War then began in 1946. In 1945 all territories in Indonesia declared independence from the Empire and in 1949 India forcibly took all the territories in the Indian subcontinent away from the European powers. In 1949 the Empire detonated their first atomic bomb and it grew into one of the new powers of the world, but sadly by his death at age 75 most of the empire was gone.

German troops occupying Arendal

King Harald III served as a fighter pilot instructor during World War II and then he took the throne in 1965. King Harald III fell into depression as he saw the independence and disintegration of even more of his empire until he was killed in a car crash while visiting Germany. He died at age 63 in 1972. This was a very crushing moment for the Empire and is seen as the end of the Empire's global power.

Queen Maud II was the eldest daughter of Harald III, and the only child with magical powers, Maud brought her empire fully into the modern world and even gave independence to Lithuania and southern Latvia (which became the Republic of Courland). Iceland gained autonomy and the last of the major overseas colonies was lost in 1987. When the Cold War ended the Empire quickly set up major trade deals were made with the Russians. Queen Maud now oversees a great united Scandinavia nation with small territories all over the world, she still rules over an empire that once ruled Europe.

The Empire in 2017

This is the part of the story where I tell you about the political situation in America.

The Dominion of Carolina is made up of all the lands from north carolina to oklahoma all the way south to Florida. The Dominion of Columbia is from Virginia, west to Utah and North to Maine. The Dominion of Canada is made up of modern day Canada, Maine, Alaska, Montana, Idaho, Washington, and Oregon. The Dominion of Texas is made up of modern Texas, Oklahoma, and New Mexico. Southern California and Arizona are under the control of Mexico. The area of middle and northern California, Nevada, and Utah are under the control of the Republic of Deseret. The Caribbean Union is made up of Hispaniola, Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands.

This is the end of the story, I hope that you enjoyed reading this.

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