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  • Writer's pictureronanmahaffey

Imagination Realm 492 "UAIN"

The Native Americans didn't seem to have had a fair fight against the white mans guns, horses, machine guns, and diseases. This Imagination Realm takes a much different path than the one our history did. This is Imagination Realm 492 also known as the Union of American Indian Nations.

The vikings long ago traveled far and wide across the world, they conquered vast regions of lands in the mediterrean, arctic, and northern Europe. The vikings also traveled to the new world before any Europeans, so in this story a large group of vikings land in North America in the year 1249. There they form a small colony in Newfoundland and in Maine. They began to interact with the native peoples there. But the vikings proved to be very rude visitors and after 9 years of inhabiting this land they were forced off of it by a united force of Native American tribes who destroy the vikings completely. The indians find the vikings weapons and supplies and they make great use of these new discoveries to build more capable weapons and they breed the horses and sheep that the vikings had brought with them. Sadly thought they also find diseases. These spread across much of North America over the next two centuries, wiping out millions of the natives. The only goof side is that the survivors now have greater immunity towards these diseases and their children are now born with these immunities as well. Another benefit from this death and destruction is that the tribes began to unite into larger groups to make up for the many members that they lost, thus growing in strength and population.

The Spanish and Portuguese invade and conquer central and south america, with millions of the inhabitants dying from the diseases that these conquerors brought with them, but this didn't happen to the natives in the north. They fought off the spaniards with their own horses and much greater numbers of warriors. In 1607 the English settle in Virginia and create Jamestown. At first they were nearly destroyed by the local natives like the Powatan people, but over time they allied with the settlers to fight off some indian groups to the north that had not united with the other tribes. What takes place next is much like our history, more and more settlers came and forced the native americans out of their lands, although it wasn't as easy as in our timeline. The American Indians obtained guns and put up a good fight, but they couldn't fight against the sheer superiority of the Europeans weapons and numbers. After the American Revolutionary War the American Indians became more and more organized in an attempt to create a unified force to counter the American advance into the mid east.

In 1819 the Native Americans began to learn how to produce firearms, albeit in small numbers. The United States noticed this change and responded quickly and violently. They attacked several Indian tribes without warning and killed hundreds. The Indians responded by attacking American settlers and towns. The United States took no prisoners and they killed thousands. The Indian Chiefs gathered together and made peace with the Americans who demanded that they cease with the production of firearms. When they didn't agree to this the Americans told them to leave. The American Indians tried desperately to negotiate but in 1821 the Americans began to force them out. Those who resisted perished. The Chiefs organized their tribes together and moved with food and water. They left their ancestral lands and began the long and arduous journey west.

The Indian peoples from the east travelled into the west and the great plains, but they came across many hostile Indian kingdoms and tribes who didn't enjoy this new influx of peoples. Many small wars broke out but again because of the greater organization of the indian peoples they were able to fight off the hostile groups and make peace with those who would accept them. They then began to receive weapons and supplies from the Spanish (Mexico didn't gain independence till 1832) and British who both wanted to see a strong anti-American state in the area, the Indians also began building weapons on their own again. In 1833 after the independence of Mexico, the United States attempted to once more destroy the tribes, but after a swift and bloody war the Americans and the Indians made peace. The United States set the border just past the Mississippi and Missouri river. The Indians than peacefully forced the Mexicans and Spanish off of their lands above the Rio Grande and Sonoran Desert in 1839. The Indians continued to try to make a more organized government, although this was difficult for them as they didn't want to part with their old traditions.

In 1846 war was the only thing on the American mind was war. With the humiliating defeat in 1833 the American people have been thirsting for revenge for a long time. The United States instigated a skirmish against the indians are then declared war on them in mid 1846. The war at first went totally to the americans, but in late 1847 the Indians defeated a large American force of 2,500 near the black hills. This was the turning point, the Mexican empire joined in on the Indian side and sent troops and cannon to support them in return of some lands in the Sonoran desert. In 1848 the United States attempted to regain control over the situation by defeated the indians near the Washita river. This backfired as a Mexican force of 1,000 reinforced the indians and flanked the American forces who were forced to surrender after losing 1,000 troops. With this surrender the war began to grown very unpopular in the United States and by 1849 they made peace with them. The United States gained the southern half of Louisiana and a small part of Texas.

With the defeat of the Americans in the war and the convincing of the tribes that they fight together better than apart made them accept a formal government. In late 1849 the clans, tribes, and kingdoms united to make The Kingdom of the First Nations under the rule of King Iron Jacket (this is an actual indian chief). Although this union lasted very shortly and tensions amongst the tribes caused civil war to break out in 1851. The war was long and terrible and it saw the death of many tribes and their chiefs. In 1558 Iron Jacket was killed and his son attempted to rule, but he failed and made peace in 1859. The Kingdom separated once more into multiple different parts.

In 1861 the United States fell into a civil war of its own that lasted till 1866. During and after the war over 200,000 slaves escaped into the Indian nations and were integrated into their societies. During this time the Indian states began amassing weapons to fight each other as tensions rose. These tensions quickly ended though when the United States declared war on them yet again in 1871. The Indians were once again forced to unite against the American aggressors. They pleaded with the British and the Mexicans for aid in this war. Mexico quickly joins in to help its ally and to unite the politically separated country to certain aim. Britain hesitated to join in the war, after an American frigate attacked a British convoy they were all in. The Mexicans invaded north into Texas and the British troops came through Maine, Wisconsin and Detroit. The British and American fleets battled off the coast of Mexico and the Americans were soundly defeated. With the American fleet defeated, the British advanced up the Mississippi and attacked towns and forts of the already heavily damaged southern United States. The Native Americans are able to amass a large professionally trained army that is lead by British officers. The Native American force is able to give battle to the Americans and soundly defeated them in the battle of Gladstone in Missouri. This was one of the bloodiest battles of the war with over 175,000 casualties on all sides. The United States was able to force the British out of the Mississippi river with their larger river monitor fleet. The Americans then sailed to the aid of their forces in Missouri. The Native Americans were forced to withdraw due to the heavy fire coming from the rivers.

Now with this victory the United States persuaded Spain to join in on their side. In 1877 Spain declared war on Britain and began an attacked on Gibraltar. The British troops in America begin to leave as their government wants to use them to attack Cuba and Puerto Rico. By 1878 the United States is in full control of Maine again and they begin pressing into Canada. Mexico is being forced back after American troops were able to land 50,000 troops in Veracruz. The Indians suffered a major defeat at Little Bighorn and the USA was able to push over 50 miles across the entire front, it seemed that the Allies were about to collapse. Portugal then keeping with its alliance with Britain declared war on Spain and immediately invaded southern Spain. The Spanish Navy is devastated by both Portuguese and British vessels who sink over 15 ships. The troops in Cuba, Philippines, and Puerto Rico. Spain surrendered in early 1880. British and Portuguese vessels began their invasion of Florida and New York while the Indians and Mexicans defeat the Americans in Mexican Territory and retake all lands lost to the Americans. In 1881 New Orleans falls to the Allied forces, Pensacola is taken and British soldiers have control over New York. The United States stubbornly fights on until the early winter of 1882 when an Indian British force of 20,000 defeats 60,000 US troops who are camping for winter in Iowa. The US surrendered a week later.

The war lasted nine and a half years and caused the deaths of about 2.1 million people through conflict, famine, disease, and the weather. The indian peoples were accepted as a nation by the world governments. The peace treaty was signed in Hamburg, Germany. In the Treaty the American Indian lands united to create the Union of American Indian Nations with President Crazy Horse. The state of Maine is given to Canada. The Canary Islands and the Spanish Lands in Africa go to Portugal. Cuba gains independence and the remainder of Spanish Territories go to Great Britain. Mexico and the UAIN gain slight border lands and Minnesota, Mexico is given the majority of Texas. Mexico is given 50 million USD from the USA and Belize from Britain, the UAIN is given 50 million USD, Britain is given 7 million USD. The US President William A. Wheeler was assassinated soon after the peace treaty by an ultranationalist from West Virginia. A state of emergency is declared and the new President, James A. Garfield takes over with dictatorial powers and begins rebuilding the American Nation. The presidency is now a lifetime job.

President Crazy Horse
President Crazy Horse

In 1883 the UAIN creates its capitol around what we call Denver, Colorado. In an attempt to establish better international relations and to create an ally out of the USA, the UAIN in 1884 created the Treaty of San Diego which established an economic and partly military alliance between Mexico, Britain, America, and the UAIN. This policy helped increase the UAIN's economy and they began to modernize and somewhat westernize their country based on the British. Britain then purchased Alaska from Russia for 10 million Pounds. This wasn't liked by the UAIN who wanted the Natives there to decide for themselves who would rule them. In 1889 a major crisis began in the UAIN when a massive amount of immigrants from the United States and Asia began to travel to the country. The majority of the American immigrants were blacks who were escaping prejudice and persecution.

In the late 1890s, under the presidency of Geronimo, the UAIN began to modernize its military and even began investing in a major fleet. With the increase in mining and farming the UAIN economy increases greatly by the end of the 19th century. The UAIN began to become involved greatly in world affairs and in 1905 they mediated peace between the Russian and Japanese governments, ending the Russo-Japanese War. President Black Elk was then elected and he saw the launch of the first Dreadnought of the UAIN, the American Indian Navy Ship (AINS) Iroquois in 1908. Although the country was unable to build any more in a short period of time so they purchased four more dreadnoughts from the British. During this time the Kingdom of Hawaii also votes to join the UAIN. The President of America, Theodore Roosevelt died from a heart attack and Victor Illwell was sworn in as president for life.

World War one began in Europe in 1914 and at first the UAIN remained neutral. In 1915 the UAIN and the USA sign the treaty of St. Louis and they agree to end their arms race against one another. In 1916 the USA and the UAIN declared war on Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire. In 1917, after much political violence, Mexico became a democratic nation and joined the treaty of St. Louis. World War One ends in January of 1918, 11 months earlier than in our history. With the victory of the War the UAIN, USA, and Mexico all begin to rearm themselves to prevent any other wars and to stop any communist revolutions. Canada joined the treaty of St. Louis is 1921. In 1923 the economy of North America is one of the best in the world. This all ends in 1929 in the collapse of the stock market and the beginning of the Great Depression. FDR is elected president for life after the death of president Illwell. Sitting Bull, the descendent of the original Sitting Bull is elected president in 1934, he helps begin bringing the UAIN out of the Great Depression with his new economic and social policies that also help the other members of the Treaty of St. Louis.

In late 1935 Spain fell into civil war and Cuba joined the St. Louis Treaty. Spain became a fascist nation in early 1939. In 1937 Japan invades China. The United States begins sending economic and military support to China which encourages the remaining members of the St. Louis Treaty to do the same. In 1938 Germany occupies Austria. The St. Louis Treaty members proclaim this to be in violation of the Versailles treaty and they declare war on Germany, soon France, Britain, Czechoslovakia, and Poland declare war on Germany. Italy declares war on the allies later that year. In 1939 the St. Louis Treaty members place embargoes on Japan. In 1940 Japan declares war on the British and French while Germany defeats Poland and occupies Denmark and Norway. France is invaded in early 1941 but they are halted by British, French, and St. Louis treaty troops, although Paris still is taken by the Germans. Japan declares war on the UAIN and attacks Pearl Harbor, destroying many UAIN warships. The St. Louis treaty members then declare war on Japan, all within two weeks. By 1942 France is holding out and the Germans are being forced back. Italy Surrenders in 1943 and Panama joins the St. Louis Treaty. In 1944 Mussolini is killed and Russia declares war on Germany and invades Poland, Hitler is captured and the Reich collapses. In early 1945 Hitler is executed and Japan is nuked by both British and UAIN bombs. World War Two Ends and the United Nations is founded.

It is 1946 and the world is in the state of a cold war between the Western Democracies and the Communist States. Guatemala joins the St. Louis Treaty. In 1949 the Chinese communists come to power although Mao is killed by a UAIN assassin. In 1950 North Korea invades the south but by 1951 the United Nations are able to defeat North Korea and convince China to not interfere. Korea is then unified. In 1953 Stalin dies of a stroke. The USA, UAIN, USSR, and Britain have nuclear weapons. In 1958 civil war in Spain causes the Fascist regime to be overthrown and a democracy is installed. In 1964 President Charlie Wolf began sending troops to Vietnam to try and ebb the flow of communism in South East Asia. The public opinion of the war was terrible and after 5 years of terrible guerrilla warfare the UAIN left Vietnam. South Vietnam fell in 1970 after a communist revolution and an invasion from the North. Public opinion of the UAIN then grew again after they recognized the Vietnamese government. Nicaragua then joined the Treaty of St. Louis.

In 1971 under the presidency of Vernon Bellecourt, the UAIN helped Mexico build its first Atomic Bomb. Now the nuclear powers are China, USA, UAIN, USSR, France, Britain, and Mexico. In the 1970s many countries were attempting to construct their own nuclear weapons. The United Nations passed a decree in 1978 to limit the number of nuclear weapons per country. The cold war then came to a abrupt in 1989 when the USSR collapsed into chaos and communism fell apart around the world with the only Communist states being in East Asia. Panama during this time was suffering political turmoil and the UAIN attempted to intervene. They failed and in late 1989 Panama left the St. Louis Treaty group. In 1995 the UN again passed an anti nuclear bill that caused the number of nuclear weapons to drop in number by nearly fifty percent. By 2000 the nuclear weapon powers were Switzerland, UAIN, USA, Russia, Canada, Mexico, Kazakhstan, South Africa, France, UK, China, Korea, Germany, Pakistan, Israel, and India. Although many of these countries had low powered nuclear weapons in low numbers like Switzerland, Canada, and Kazakhstan.

In 2001 the Twin Towers were destroyed by Muslim Terrorists from Al Qaeda. The world mobilizes to destroy this organization, it is then found that Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Pakistan are the nations supporting Al Qaeda. Saudi Arabia ends its connections with the group and Iraq and Afghanistan are invaded and their regimes are overthrown. In 2006 Pakistan declares war on India and nukes New Delhi. Pakistan is in turn nuked multiple times by India and China. Pakistan surrenders and the terrorists are defeated. Over 800,000 die in Pakistan. ISIS then forms in late 2008 but due to the quick reaction of the world powers, they are able to be completely destroyed by 2011. The Bahamas then join the St. Louis Treaty in 2006 and Jamaica follows suit in 2008. Brazil then produces its own nuclear weapon in 2014. President Tatanka Means is elected president in 2015. Some controversy arose in 2016 when Donald Trump was elected and then attempted to suppress the minorities in the USA. Before he could permanently damage relationships with the other St. Louis members, he was assassinated by a fanatical student who threw a bomb into his car in 2017. Donald vice president Mitt Romney then became president for life, although it is thought that he wanted to make the presidency a 6 year term instead of a life term.

President Tatanka Means
President Tatanka Means

This is were the story ends. I hope you have enjoyed it, I know i have. Goodbye.

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